Monday, October 8

Decision Support Systems

Dabas participatory techniques blog – Dragana's post 
Internet and online social media open new spaces for participation. Online participation, or eParticipation, presents a set of technology-facilitated participatory processes that enable interaction between the civil society sphere and the politics and administration sphere. The aim of merging online social networks that usually have many users with eParticipation is to address a lack of engagement that is usually recognised as one of the major drawbacks of participation.
Decision support systems (DSS) are used for managing the data required for providing informed and robust decisions by socio-economic and environmental modelling techniques and multiple-criteria decision methods. Web DSS may emerge as a new form of eParticipation.
We looked at a webDSS specifically developed to provide participation of farmers in deciding upon management options for water saving and climate change adaptation in the agricultural sector of the Vento region, Italy. The aim of the tool is to supply policy-makers with the necessary information to define how to direct investment priorities, with consideration of the preferences and expectations highlighted by farmers.
The exercise consisted of playing a part in the working version of the tool. It was followed by a discussion about pros&cons of the tool. Some of the comments addressed the use of multi criteria analysis, and a risk that the obtained results, although maybe presenting a rational choice, do not coincide with the participants’ expectations. 

The wrokshops's comments:

Online decision support based on multi-criteria analysis

·         Allows participants to take part cheaply
·         Mass engagement
·         In-depth consultation aingcross a wide area
·         Greater insights
·         Analytical possibilities
·         Positions the individual in relation to the whole
·         Helps people make sense of their opinions, based on a high level of information structuring
·         ???? in big politics
·         ICT skills
·         Coding skills
·         Expertise – statistical skills

·         Might only attract those of particular motivation
·         Can be ‘dangerous’ because it is a very sensible to axioms/applied methodology, manipulation etc
·         Could be used in all participatory projects.
·         Simple model or template would be great
·         Level of technical/intellectual ability to participants
·         Triangulation
·         Self-reflection emphasising the limits of the method

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